Increasing QHSE offshore standards on a grand scale with Crew Companion

Written by David Gordon | 18 October, 2021

Offshore Safety Standards: A Comparative Analysis of the UK and Norway in the North Sea

In the past decade, the North Sea has remained a thriving hub of offshore oil and gas operations, housing a multitude of drilling platforms, supply ships, and subsea installations. The safety of these operations, predominantly located in UK and Norwegian waters, is of paramount importance, not just to the industry players, but also to the environment and the coastal communities. In this report, we delve into an in-depth comparison of offshore safety standards in these two leading North Sea nations - the United Kingdom and Norway.

UK Offshore Safety Standards

The UK's offshore safety standards are governed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), a national independent watchdog. Its regulations prioritize controlling and mitigating risks by imposing legal responsibilities on operators and employers.

Notably, the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 demand that all offshore installations must have an up-to-date safety case report which demonstrates how major accident risks are being managed. Safety and evacuation drills are also mandatory, ensuring a swift offshore emergency response.

There's a notable emphasis on worker involvement in safety matters, as demonstrated by the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1989 and the Offshore Installations (Safety Representatives) Regulations 1989.

The HSE also operates an 'Asset Integrity Programme' to ensure the physical condition of an installation, including the platform structure, process plant, temporary refuge and all safety-critical elements, meet the required standards.

Norwegian Offshore Safety Standards

In Norway, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) is the regulatory body, with a focus on a 'barrier' philosophy to prevent accidents. This includes both physical barriers (like blowout preventers) and operational ones (like procedural checks).

A central aspect of Norwegian safety law is the 'Internal Control Regulation'. This stipulates that companies themselves must identify potential hazards, create procedures to handle these risks, and implement the necessary safety measures.

The Working Environment Act in Norway promotes employee participation in safety practices and mandates that employers provide a fully safe and healthy working environment. Also, the Facilities Regulations specify standards for design, construction, and equipment of offshore installations.

Commonalities and Differences

In both the UK and Norway, the 'safety case' approach is fundamental. Both countries require the demonstration of robust risk management systems and both hold employers responsible for the safety of their employees.

However, you'll observe some significant differences. Norwegian regulation emphasizes more on risk identification and mitigation by the companies themselves, while the UK has more prescriptive legislation in place.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Climate change and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events pose new challenges to offshore safety. Both the UK and Norway need to adapt their regulations to these emerging risks.

The aging infrastructure in the North Sea is another concern. The need for decommissioning older platforms requires thorough safety planning and regulatory scrutiny.

Despite the different approaches, the offshore safety standards in the UK and Norway are among the highest in the world, and, eventually, have led to significant reductions in accident rates over the past decades. Yet, safety is a journey, not a destination. As we look to the future, the evolving challenges of the offshore industry demand continuous learning, adaptation, and commitment to ensuring the safety of workers and the environment. The North Sea continues to serve as a global benchmark in this regard, a testament to the rigor and resolve of its key players.


Reinventing Offshore Safety: Digitalization, Muster Times and More

Offshore exploration in the North Sea has always presented a multitude of challenges due to its remote location, the exploitation of highly explosive materials, and the severe environmental conditions. These have constantly underscored the urgency of personnel safety. As the industry evolves, more focus is being put on Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) standards, with an encouraging trend towards digital solutions, steering away from traditional paper-based safety regimes.

Understanding the precise location of onsite personnel and improving muster times at designated areas during emergencies offer an extra layer of security. These improvements bring a new level of visibility and efficiency to the process, while also enhancing profitability (read more about worker safety monitoring).

However, the unpredictable nature of the offshore environment means accidents can still occur, abruptly transforming a workplace into a danger zone. Under such circumstances, individuals instinctively prioritise personal escape over adherence to the company's evacuation policy.

Traditionally, in such emergency situations, personnel are guided to a muster area where a manual count is conducted, often utilizing a "T-card" system and manifest. But this task, even in ideal conditions, presents formidable challenges.

During real emergencies, conditions are far from ideal. The orderly, controlled environment of a drill doesn't hold up when people's behaviors change dramatically under the stress and pressure of a genuine emergency situation.

These challenges are compounded by the vast, geographically dispersed territories that the offshore industry encompasses. Locating all personnel swiftly becomes a critical, yet arduous, task.

So, how can digital solutions aid in overcoming these challenges?

The Digital Transformation of Offshore Safety

The rise of digital technologies is revolutionizing safety standards in the offshore industry. Real-time tracking systems can now monitor the location of personnel, even in the most remote offshore installations. With the help of wearable technologies and integrated software, an accurate headcount can be acquired instantaneously in emergencies, allowing for faster, more efficient muster processes.

Digital solutions can also streamline safety drills, making them more adaptive to actual emergency situations. Interactive virtual reality simulations, for instance, can help personnel prepare for a range of emergency scenarios.

Moreover, digital platforms can enable centralized, up-to-date safety documentation that can be accessed rapidly in an emergency, removing the need for cumbersome paper-based systems. These digital records can provide crucial data analysis, facilitating a continuous improvement process in safety protocols (continue reading about "mobile mustering").


Boosting Efficiency and Safety Offshore: The Role of Automation and Crew Companion

Safety and efficiency are the two cornerstones of successful offshore operations. Maintaining these standards has never been more crucial with the growing complexities of offshore sites and the increasing severity of environmental challenges. Automation, particularly automated locating and mustering systems, play a pivotal role in overcoming these safety hurdles. Such systems not only provide real-time visibility of all personnel but can have a lifesaving impact during emergencies.

Identec Solutions' Crew Companion, an advanced incident response management solution, is at the forefront of this technological transformation. The system delivers real-time visibility by equipping each worker with a transponder. The devices are located via an infrastructure that covers defined areas - lifeboats, mustering areas, and red zones - with a modular location coverage.

The location of personnel in these areas is constantly reported to the control centre, both onshore and offshore. This constant monitoring offers unprecedented visibility and safety assurance, ensuring that all personnel are accounted for at any time.

Additionally, Crew Companion provides access to automated headcounts at various locations throughout the site. This functionality is invaluable during emergencies as it ensures no personnel are missing in the defined areas.

Implications for Efficiency and Safety

Crew Companion offers substantial efficiency benefits. Emergency operations and mustering drills can now be completed 60% faster than any manual method. This time-saving advantage can be a deciding factor in severe emergencies. When every second counts, knowing exactly where to direct rescue teams can mean the difference between life and death.

Beyond efficiency, the system reduces the risk of human error, a critical factor in the chaotic context of an emergency situation. By digitalizing the process, Crew Companion eliminates the potential for miscounts or overlooked individuals (for further details, continue reading about Emergency Response Management).

While systems like Crew Companion offer clear benefits, their implementation is not without challenges. For one, training is essential to ensure all offshore personnel understand how to use the system correctly. Another concern is cybersecurity. With increasing digitalization, protecting sensitive data from breaches is paramount.

Nevertheless, the potential of such technologies is vast. Automation offers a way to increase both efficiency and safety offshore, two critical aspects that can directly affect a company's bottom line and reputation. Moreover, as the offshore industry continues to evolve and grow, these systems will prove invaluable in managing the safety of expanding operations and workforce.

For more, continue reading about Emergency Response Management.



How does the Crew Companion system increase the efficiency of emergency operations and mustering drills?

The Crew Companion system from Identec Solutions equips each worker with a transponder, enabling real-time tracking of personnel. In the event of an emergency, this technology allows operators to pinpoint the exact location of every individual, facilitating swift mustering and evacuation procedures. Compared to manual methods, this system reduces the time taken for emergency operations and mustering drills by up to 60%, contributing to increased efficiency.

How does automation contribute to reducing human error in offshore safety processes?

Automation significantly reduces the reliance on manual procedures, which are often susceptible to errors, especially in high-stress situations like emergencies. Systems like Crew Companion provide automated headcounts and continuously monitor the location of personnel in defined areas. This eliminates potential inaccuracies in headcounts or overlooked individuals that can occur with traditional manual methods.

Are there any significant challenges when implementing systems like the Crew Companion?

While the Crew Companion system offers considerable safety and efficiency benefits, implementing such technology does require proper training to ensure that all offshore personnel understand how to use the system correctly. Additionally, as with any digital solution, cybersecurity measures must be robust to protect sensitive data from potential breaches. Despite these challenges, the value offered by automated solutions in enhancing safety and efficiency in offshore operations is immense.



The digital transformation in offshore safety is a step in the right direction, yet its success depends on strategic implementation and comprehensive training of the workforce. It also requires robust cybersecurity measures to prevent potential data breaches.

The future of offshore safety lies in the combination of technology, stringent regulations, and a proactive safety culture. As the industry navigates its path towards this future, the commitment to the safety of personnel must remain its guiding principle.

The integration of digital technologies, such as Identec Solutions' Crew Companion, presents an exciting future for offshore operations. By leveraging automation, companies can improve their efficiency and ensure the safety of their most important asset: their people. In an industry operating in some of the harshest conditions on earth, such innovative solutions are not just welcome; they are necessary.

Learn more about oil rig safety and Crew Companion.

Update: 12 July 2023