Crew Companion
for safe mining

Where difficult conditions exist and your nearest exit is kilometres away, Crew Companion is the answer for the safety of your staff: a scalable and customisable personnel monitoring solution specifically designed to meet your organisation’s safety needs in the mining industry. Ensure your underground and open-pit operations are visible and therefore manageable – all in line with the most advanced HSE and business requirements.
If you are looking for a reliable proven alternative to manual access and exit routines in mines, want to improve your blasting performance at the same time, and increase overall efficiency, why not benefit from an automated solution that delivers all personnel location data in one dashboard? Developed specifically to address the complex demands of the mining industry, Crew Companion delivers an automated safety system that combines flexible hardware and software. It offers real-time information on your staff's location exactly when and where you need it.
You as the operator of a large mine know best how difficult and stressful it can be to precisely locate your entire workforce in time with the blast schedule. Harsh environments like mines are places where safety matters most. Blocked tunnels, disrupted communication lines and blackouts will make an evacuation a chaotic nightmare even for a well-trained team. Locating employees in a timely manner is crucial.
Maintain visibility of all your staff members at all times during operations. Built according to strict industry guidelines and drawing on best practices, Crew Companion enables effective and reliable operations without needing any human interaction in day-to-day situations, as well as emergencies.
That’s how we designed Crew Companion:
- Real time headcount underground
- Mobile identity check
- Modular solution designed to meet your individual needs
You as the operator of a large mine know best how difficult and stressful it can be to precisely locate your entire workforce in time with the blast schedule. Harsh environments like mines are places where safety matters most. Blocked tunnels, disrupted communication lines and blackouts will make an evacuation a chaotic nightmare even for a well-trained team. Locating employees in a timely manner is crucial.
Maintain visibility of all your staff members at all times during operations. Built according to strict industry guidelines and drawing on best practices, Crew Companion enables effective and reliable operations without needing any human interaction in day-to-day situations, as well as emergencies.
That’s how we designed Crew Companion:
- Real time headcount underground
- Mobile identity check
- Modular solution designed to meet your individual needs

Real time headcount underground
Crew Companion uses a personnel transponder that is easily carried in a pocket or around the neck. It helps the control room operator know exactly where personnel are - at all times, and to ensure they are well clear when it nears blast time. If an emergency occurs, Crew Companion lets the operator know if people have reached designated safe areas or exited the mine.
The reliable and robust design of the solution draws on decades of on-the-job experience and close collaboration with the industry, providing you with a solution exceeding the most stringent regulatory requirements. In the event of an emergency, Crew Companion provides details on missing personnel at a glance. It shows exactly where the person was last seen, making sure assistance can be provided quickly and exactly where needed.

A fully scalable and customisable solution, Crew Companion allows you to add and remove mustering zones with minimum effort. Several thousand transponders can be added to the system, making it very scalable to fit your individual needs. It is easy to install and maintain all areas of your mine. It is the only system on the market that is intrinsically safe and doesn’t require heavy steel enclosures to meet ATEX requirements.
Crew Companion features several integrated optional modules, all built on a highly dependable backbone. Based on industry best practices, it is fully automated without the need for swiping cards or other manual actions, eliminating the risk of human error.

Mobile Identity Check
The Mobile Identity Check feature increases safety and improves efficiency during an emergency enabling identity verification and including an offline mode to mitigate network connectivity issues. The explosion-proof system provides you with an automated headcount per mustering zone including real-time and rapid identification of missing personnel.
Crew Companion includes an access control system for all the entry and exit points of your mine which works with the same transponder worn by your personnel.
Key benefits of a proven solution…
With visibility comes insight and now you can analyse and fine-tune processes to reduce your muster times. Analyse your drills and discover the potential to improve your blast process.
Managing an emergency is naturally stressful and prone to errors. Crew Companion provides you with the data to improve your management and response in these situations. Overall, your reputation as a reliable, safety-focused mine operator will increase.
Makes you work better
Visibility of personnel in real time allows key information to flow faster
Fully automated system requiring no manual actions by personnel
- Highly scalable with capability of reading several thousand tags simultaneously
Gives you control
Stored personal data (name, employee number, cabin number, next of kin, etc.)
Real time location data live to your control room
Easy data transfer via API for digital twin or 3rd party integration
Gives you a valuable insight
Comprehensive reporting system
Mustering reports for Continuous Improvement Processes
Remote monitoring for automated system health checks
Makes your life easier
Lightweight hardware is easily installed
Fully customisable, plug & play solution
Easy distribution of data to remote / offsite control rooms
Saves you money
- Low cost, low maintenance efforts, minimal training required
- Reduces Non-Productive Time during mustering drills or understanding personnel positions
- Easy single person installations
Helps to keep your people safe
Real time visibility of personnel movements from zone to zone
Real time reporting of personnel during mustering drills or emergency situations
- Reduces muster times by up to 70 % (compared with a manual solution)
Our wireless solution gives you control, enhances safety, delivers valuable insights, and makes your teamwork more efficiently. That's why underground and open-pit mines trust us to help them better utilize their resources – in Europe, the Americas, and Australia. Crew Companion is a proven solution in use by the largest mines on earth like LKAB, Zinkgruvan, Björkdalsgruvan, Agnico Eagle, MiningTag, Codelco and many more.

"We looked at available safety assistance solutions in the market and tested different technologies. For one reason or another we eliminated all of them, except Crew Companion, which is perfect for us: a modular system that can scale endlessly. The most important part for us is the solution's reliability. It must work around the clock and we trust it entirely, because it works."
Michael Kompatscher, CEO of the Hagerbach Test Gallery, Switzerland.
"In 2011, LKAB implemented a mine-wide WiFi with approximately 2,000 access points today. It is primarily used for Wi-Fi calling, vehicle location and navigation. It was also tested for safety and access related purposes, but failed to be a reliable technology. On the contrary, Crew Companion technology proved to be the right choice for LKAB."
Tobias Johansson , Automation Projects, LKAB Kiruna, Sweden
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Related Resources
Mining Safety
Best Practices and Technology
Miner Safety
Underground and Open-pit
Crew Companion
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